正文 Breakfast at Tiffanys-18

I went straight upstairs, got the bird cage, took it down a it in front of herdoor. That settled that. Or so I imagined until the m when, as I wasleaving for work, I saw the cage perched on a sidewalk ash- waiting for thegarbage collector. Rather sheepishly, I rescued it and carried it bay room, acapitulation that did not lessen my resolve to put Holly Golightly absolutely out of mylife. She was, I decided, "a crude exhibitionist," "a time waster," "an utter fake":someone o be spoken to again.

And I didnt. Not for a long while. We passed each other oairs with loweredeyes. If she walked into Joe Bells, I walked out. At one point, Madame SapphiaSpanella, the coloratura and roller-skatihusiast who lived on the first floor,circulated a petition among the brownstoher tenants asking them to join herin having Miss Golightly evicted: she was, said Madame Spanella, "morallyobjeable" and the "perpetrator of all-night gatherings that endahesafety and sanity of he……(内容加载失败!)




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