正文 Breakfast at Tiffanys-14

She was well over six feet, taller than most men there. They straighteheirspines, sucked in their stomachs; there was a general test to match her swayi.

Holly said, "What are you doing here?" and her lips were taut as drawn string.

"Why, n-n-nothing, sugar. Ive been upstairs w with Yunioshi. Christmasstuff for the Ba-ba-zaar. But you sound vexed, sugar?" She scattered a roundaboutsmile. "You b-b-boys not vexed at me for butting in on your p-p-party?"

Rusty Trawler tittered. He squeezed her arm, as though to admire her muscle,and asked her if she could use a drink.

"I surely could," she said. "Make mine bourbon."

Holly told her, "There isnt any." Whereupon the Air Force el suggested herun out for a bottle.

"Oh, I declare, dos have a f-f-fuss. Im happy with ammonia. Holly, honey,"

she said, slightly shoving her, "dont you bother about me. I introduce myself."

She stooped toward O.J. Berman, who, like many short men in the presence of tallwomen, had an as……(内容加载失败!)




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