正文 Breakfast at Tiffanys-8

"Too dirty?"

"Maybe Ill let you read one sometime."

"Whiskey and apples go together. Fix me a drink, darling. Then you read me astory yourself."

Very few authors, especially the unpublished, resist an invitation to readaloud. I made us both a drink and, settling in a chair opposite, began to read to her,my voice a little shaky with a bination of stage fright ahusiasm: it was aory, Id fi the day before, and that iable sense of shortinghad not had time to develop. It was about two women who share a house,schoolteachers, one of whom, wheher bees engaged, spreads withanonymous notes a sdal that prevents the marriage. As I read, each glimpse Istole of Holly made my heart tract. She fidgeted. She picked apart the butts in anashtray, she mooned over her fingernails, as though longing for a file; worse, when Idid seem to have her i, there was actually a telltale frost over her eyes, as ifshe were w whether to buy a pair of shoes shed seen in some window.

"Is ……(内容加载失败!)




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