正文 Breakfast at Tiffanys-2

Then: "You recall a certain Mr. I.Y. Yunioshi? A gentleman from Japan."

"From California," I said, recalling Mr. Yunioshi perfectly. Hes a photographer onone of the picture magazines, and when I knew him he lived iudio apartmentoop floor of the brownstone.

"Dont go mixing me up. All Im asking, you know who I mean? Okay. So lastnight who es waltzing in here but this selfsame Mr. I. Y. Yunioshi. I havent seenhim, I guess its over two years. And where do you think hes been those two years?"


Joe Bell stopped g on his Tums, his eyes narrowed. "So how did youknow?"

"Read it in Winchell." Which I had, as a matter of fact.

He rang open his cash register, and produced a manila envelope. "Well, see didyou read this in Winchell."

In the envelope were three photographs, more or less the same, though takenfrom different angles: a tall delicate Negro man wearing a calico skirt and with a shy,yet vain smile, displaying in his hands an odd wood sculpture, an ……(内容加载失败!)




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Breakfast at Tiffanys-1目录+书签Breakfast at Tiffanys-3