正文 PART Ⅳ-3

I crawled out of bed with a bad taste in my mouth and my bones creaking.

The fact was that, what with a bottle of wi lund a dinner, and several pints iween, besides a brandy or two, I’d had a bit too much to drink the day before. For several minutes I stood in the middle of the carpet, gazing at nothing in particular and too done-in to make a move. You know that god-awful feeling you get sometimes in the early m. It’s a feeling chiefly in ys, but it says to you clearer than any words could do, ‘Why the hell do you go on with it? Chuck it up, old chap! Stick your head in the gas oven!’

Then I shoved my teeth in ao the window. A lovely June day, again, and the sun was just beginning to slant over the roofs and hit the house-fronts oher side of the street. The pink geraniums in the window-boxes didn’t look half bad. Although it was only about half past eight and this was only a side-street off the market-place there was quite a crowd of people ing and……(内容加载失败!)




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