正文 PART Ⅳ-1

I came towards Lower Binfield over Chamford Hill. There are four roads into Lower Binfield, and it would have been more direct to gh Walton. But I’d wao e over Chamford Hill, the way we used to go when we biked home from fishing ihames. When you get just past the of the hill the trees open out and you see Lower Binfield lying in the valley below you.

It’s a queer experieo go over a bit of try you haven’t seen iy years. You remember it i detail, and you remember it all wrong. All the distances are different, and the landmarks seem to have moved about. You keep feeling, surely this hill used to be a lot steeper—surely that turning was oher side of the road? And oher hand you’ll have memories which are perfectly accurate, but whily belong to one particular occasion. You’ll remember, for instance, a er of a field, on a wet day in winter, with the grass so green that it’s almost blue, and a rotten gatepost covered with li and a cow standing in the g……(内容加载失败!)




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PART Ⅲ-3目录+书签-->