正文 PART Ⅲ-2

The primroses had started. I suppose it was some time in March.

I’d driven through Westerham and was making for Pudley. I’d got to do an assessment of an ironmonger’s shop, and then, if I could get hold of him, to interview a life-insurance case avering in the balance. His name had bee in by our local agent, but at the last momeaken fright and begun to doubt whether he could afford it. I’m pretty good at talking people round. It’s being fat that does it. It puts people in a cheery kind of mood, makes ‘em feel that signing a cheque is almost a pleasure. Of course there are different ways of tag different people. With some it’s better to lay all the stress on the bonuses, others you scare in a subtle way with hints about what’ll happen to their wives if they die uninsured.

The old car switchbacked up and down the curly little hills. And by God, what a day! You know the kind of day that generally es some time in March when winter suddenly seems to……(内容加载失败!)




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