正文 PART Ⅲ-1

When I came home that evening I was still in doubt as to what I’d spend my seventeen quid on.

Hilda said she was going to the Left Book Club meeting. It seemed that there was a chap ing down from London to lecture, though needless to say Hilda didn’t know what the lecture was going to be about. I told her I’d go with her. In a general way I’m not much of a one for lectures, but the visions of war I’d had that m, starting with the bomber flying over the train, had put me into a kind of thoughtful mood. After the usual argume the kids to bed early and cleared off in time for the lecture, which was billed fht o’clock.

It was a misty kind of evening, and the hall was cold and not too well lighted. It’s a little wooden hall with a tin roof, the property of some Nonist sect or other, and you hire it for ten bob. The usual crowd of fifteen or sixteen people had rolled up. On the front of the platform there was a yellow placard announg that the lecture ……(内容加载失败!)




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PART Ⅱ-10目录+书签-->