正文 PART Ⅱ-4

For the seven years, from when I was eight to when I was fifteen, what I chiefly remember is fishing.

Don’t think that I did nothing else. It’s only that when you look back over a long period of time, certain things seem to swell up till they overshadow everything else. I left Mother Howlett’s ao the Grammar School, with a leather satchel and a black cap with yellow stripes, and got my first bicycle and a long time afterwards my first long trousers. My first bike was a fixed- wheel—free-wheel bikes were very expehen. When you went downhill you put your feet up on the fros ahe pedals go whizzing round. That was one of the characteristic sights of the early een-hundreds—a boy sailing downhill with his head bad his feet up in the air. I went to the Grammar School in fear and trembling, because of the frightful tales Joe had told me about old Whiskers (his name was Wicksey) the headmaster, who was certainly a dreadful-looking little man, with a face j……(内容加载失败!)




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