正文 PART Ⅱ-3

Joe started going to Walton Grammar School two years before I did. her us went there till we were meant a four-mile bike ride m and evening, and Mother was scared of allowing us among the traffic, which by that time included a very few motor- cars.

For several years we went to the dame-school kept by old Mrs Howlett. Most of the shopkeepers’ childrehere, to save them from the shame and e-down of going to the board school, though everyone khat Mother Howlett was an old imposter and worse than useless as a teacher. She was over seventy, she was very deaf, she could hardly see through her spectacles, and all she owned in the way of equipment was a e, a blackboard, a few dog- eared grammar books, and a couple of dozen smelly slates. She could just mahe girls, but the boys simply laughed at her and played truant as often as they felt like it. Ohere was a frightful sdal cause a boy put his hand up a girl’s dress, a thing I didn’t uand at the time. Mother ……(内容加载失败!)




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