正文 PART Ⅱ-1

The world I momentarily remembered when I saw King Zog’s name on the poster was so different from the world I live in now that you might have a bit of difficulty in believing I ever beloo it.

I suppose by this time you’ve got a kind of picture of me in your mind—a fat middle-aged bloke with false teeth and a red fad subsciously you’ve been imagining that I was just the same even when I was in my cradle. But forty-five years is a long time, and though some people don’t ge and develop, others do. I’ve ged a great deal, and I’ve had my ups and downs, mostly ups. It may seem queer, but my father would probably be rather proud of me if he could see me now. He’d think it a wonderful thing that a son of his should own a motor-car and live in a house with a bathroom. Even now I’m a little above my in, and at other times I’ve touched levels that we should never have dreamed of in those old days before the war.

Before the war! How long shall we go on sa……(内容加载失败!)




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PART Ⅰ-4目录+书签-->