The Return to the Mill

BETWEEN four and five oclo the afternoon of the fifth day from that on which Stephen and Maggie had left St Oggs, Tom Tulliver was standing on the gravel walk outside the old house at Dorlill. He was master there now: he had half fulfilled his fathers dying wish, and by years of steady self-gover and eic work he had brought himself o the attai of more than the old respectability which had been the proud iance of the Dodsons and Tullivers. But Toms face, as he stood i still sunshine of that summer afternoon, had no gladness, no triumph in it. His mouth wore its bitterest expression, his severe brow its hardest and deepest fold, as he drew down his hat farther over his eyes to shelter them from the sun, and thrusting his hands deep into his pockets, began to walk up and down the gravel. No news of his sister had been heard since Bob Jakin had e ba the steamer from Mudport and put ao all improbable suppositions of an act oer by stati……(内容加载失败!)




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