正文 A Return to the Frontier

When I got off the plane in Taipei on my way to Hong Kong, I did not expect to see anyone I knew. I had asked the Chus not to meet me, knowing they were busy just then. But it ossible that they would get somebody else to e in their stead, so I was not surprised when an effit-looking man i western clothes approached me. "You are Mrs. Richard Nixon?" He said in English.

I had seen many photographs of the blonde Mrs. Nixon and never imagined I resembled her. Besides, he should be able to tell a fellow ese even behind her dark glasses. But with a womans inability to disbelieve a pliment altogether, no matter how flagrantly untrue, I remembered that she was thin, which I undoubtedly was. Then there was those glasses. "No, I am sorry," I said, and he walked away to search among the other passengers.

It struck me as a little odd that Mrs. Nixon should e to Formosa, even if everybody is visiting the Orient just now. Anyhow there must have been some mix-up, as t……(内容加载失败!)




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