I would not want to be a child again, for a child exists in uainty and danger. Our flesh and blood, we ot help but fear for them, as we hope for them to make their way in this life. After the break-in, I worried about our son all of the time. Edward is not who we say he is because his father is an imposter. He is not a Day, but a gelings child. I passed on my inal genes, giving him the fad features of the Ungerlands, and who knows what other traits leapt the geions. Of my own childhood, I know little more than a name on a piece of paper: Gustav Ungerland. I was stolen long ago. And when the gelings came again, I began to believe they saw Edward as one of their own and wished to reclaim him. The mess they left i was a subterfuge for a more sinister purpose. The disturbed photographs on the wall indicated that they were searg for someone. Wiess hovered in the background and crept through the woods, plotting to steal our son.

We lost Edward one Sunday in s……(内容加载失败!)




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