正文 Part II. Letters(1887-1890)70

TO MRS. SOPHIA C. HOPKINS Tuscumbia, Ala. Dec. 11th, 1888.

My dear Mrs. Hopkins:-- I have just fed my dear little pigeon. My brother Simpson gave it to me last Sunday.

I Annie, for my teacher. My puppy has had his supper and goo bed. My rabbits are sleeping, too; and very soon I shall go to bed. Teacher is writiers to her friends. Mother and father and their friends have goo see a huge furhe furnace is to make iron. The iron ore is found in the ground; but it ot be used until it has been brought to the furnad melted, and all the dirt taken out, and just the pure iro. Then it is all ready to be manufactured into engines, stoves, kettles and many other things.

Coal is found in the ground, too. Many years ago, before people came to live on the earth, great trees and tall grasses and huge ferns and all the beautiful flowers cover the earth. When the leaves and the trees fell, the water and the soil covered them; and then more trees grew and fell also, and ……(内容加载失败!)




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