正文 Chapter Fifteen

Until then, however, I didnt trouble myself to wonder; for I still supposed I should get out. Even when a week went by, and then another, I supposed it. I only uood at last that I must give up my idea that Dr Christie would be the man to release me— for if he believed that I was mad when I went in, thehing I said as time went on only seemed to serve to make him think me madder. Worse than that, he still held firm to his idea that I should be cured, and know myself again, if I might only be made to write. You have been put too much to literary work, he said on one of his visits, and that is the cause of your plaint. But sometimes we doust work by paradoxical methods. I mean to put you to literary wain, to restore you. Look here. He had brought me something, ed in paper. It was a slate and chalk. You shall sit with this blank slate before you, he said, and before this day is done, you shall have writte—ly, mind!—your name. Your true name, I mean. Tomor……(内容加载失败!)




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