正文 Part Three Chapter Fourteen

I shrieked. I shrieked and shrieked. I struggled like a fiend. But the more I twisted, the tighter I was held. I saw Gentleman fall ba his seat and the coach start up and begin to turn. I saut her face to the window of cloudy glass. At sight of her eyes, I shrieked again.

There she is! I cried, lifting my hand and pointing. There she is! Do her go! Dont you fug let her go—!

But the coach drove on, the wheels throwing up dust and gravel as the hot up its speed; and the faster it went, the harder I think I fought. Now the other doctor came forward, to help Dr Christie. The woman in the apron came, too. They were trying to pull me closer to the house. I wouldhem. The coach eeding, growing smaller. Theyre getting away! I cried. Then the woman got behind me and seized my waist. She had a grip on her like a mans. She lifted me up the two or three steps that led to the houses front door, as if I might be so mahers in a bag.

Now then, she said as she hauled me……(内容加载失败!)




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