正文 Chapter Twelve

Then there es a kind of chaos.

The dog barks and leaps, the baby in its bla gives a cry; another baby, that I have not noticed—it lies in a tin box, beh the table—begins to cry also. Richard takes off his hat and his coat, sets down s, and stretches. The scowling boy drops open his mouth and shows the meat within.

It aint Sue, he says.

Miss Lilly, says the woman before me, quietly. Aint you just the darling. Are you very tired, dear? You have e quite a journey

It aint Sue, says the boy again, a little louder.

ge of plan, says Richard, not catg my eye. Sue stays °n behind, to take care of a feoints.—Mr Ibbs, how are you, sir?

Sweet, son, the pale man answers. He has taken off his apron and is quieting the dog. The boy who opehe door to us has

gohe little brazier is cooling and tig and growing grey. The red-haired girl bends over the screaming babies with a bottle and a spoon, but is still stealing looks at me.

The scowling boy says, ge of plan? I do.……(内容加载失败!)




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