正文 Chapter Six

Gentlema first. Mr Lilly and Maud stood at the door to

see him leave, and I watched from her window. She shook his

O hand and he made her a bow. Therap took him off, to the

station at Marlow. He sat with folded arms, his hat put back, his

face our way, his eyes now on hers, now on mine.

There goes the Devil, I thought.

He made no sort of sign. He did not o. He had gone over his plans with us and we had them by heart. He was to travel three miles by the train, then wait. We were to keep to Mauds parlour till midnight, then go. He was to meet us at the river when the clock struck the half.

That day passed just like all the old ones. Maud went to her uncle, as she had used to do, and I went slowly about her rooms, looking over her things—only this time, of course, I was looking out for what we ought to take. We sat at lunch. We walked in the park, to the ice-house, the graves, and the river. It was the final time we

would do it, yet things looked the same……(内容加载失败!)




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