正文 Chapter Four

He came, I suppose, about two weeks afiter I got there. It was only two weeks ahe hours at Briar were such slow ones, and the days—being all quite the same—were so even and quiet and long, it might have been twice that time.

It was long enough, anyway, for me to find out all the peculiar habits of the house; long enough for me to get used to the other servants, and for them to get used to me. For a while, I didnt know why it was they did not care for me. I would go down to the kit, saying, How do you do? to whoever I met there: How do you do, Margaret? All right, Charles? (That was the knife-boy.) How are you, Mrs Cakebread? (That was the cook: that really was her wasnt a joke and no-one laughed at it.) And Charles might look at me as if he was too afraid to speak; and Mrs Cakebread would answer, in a nasty kind of way, Oh, Im sure Im very well, thank you.

I supposed they were peeved to have me about, reminding them

of all the flash London things the……(内容加载失败!)




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