正文 The Ballad of the Sad Café-11

But the new pride that the café brought to this town had an effe almost everyone, even the children. For in order to e to the café you did not have to buy the dinner, or a portion of liquor. There were cold bottled drinks for a nickel. And if you could not even afford that, Miss Amelia had a drink called Cherry Juice which sold for a penny a glass, and ink-colored and very sweet. Almost everyone, with the exception of Reverend T. M. Willin, came to the café at least once during the week. Children love to sleep in houses other than their own, and to eat at a neighbors table; on such occasions they behave themselves detly and are proud. The people iown were likewise proud when sitting at the tables in the café. They washed before ing to Miss Amelias, and scraped their feet very politely ohreshold as they ehe café. There, for a few hours at least, the deep bitter knowing that you are not worth mu this world could be laid low.

The café ecial be to bac……(内容加载失败!)




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