正文 The Ballad of the Sad Café-8

The large middle room, the parlor, was elaborate. The rosewood sofa, upholstered in threadbare green silk, was before the fireplace. Marble-topped tables, two Singer sewing maes, a big vase of pampas grass -- everything was rid grand. The most important piece of furniture in the parlor was a big, glassed-doored et in which was kept a number of treasures and iss Amelia had added two objects to this colle -- one was a large a from a water oak, the other a little velvet box holding two small, grayish stones. Sometimes when she had nothing much to do, Miss Amelia would take out this velvet box and stand by the window with the stones in the palm of her hand, looking down at them with a mixture of fasation, dubious respect, and fear. They were the kidones of Miss Amelia herself, and had been taken from her by the doctor in Cheehaw some years ago. It bad been a terrible experience, from the first mio the last, and all she had got out of it were those two littl……(内容加载失败!)




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