正文 The Ballad of the Sad Café-4

Miss Amelia herself, for some strange reason, seemed unaware of all this. She spent most of her day upstairs. When down iore, she prowled around peacefully, her hands deep in the pockets of her overalls and head bent so low that her was tucked ihe collar of her shirt. There was no bloodstain on her anywhere. Ofteopped and just stood somberly looking down at the cracks in the floor, twisting a lock of her short-cropped hair, and whispering something to herself. But most of the day ent upstairs.

Dark came on. The rain that afternoon had chilled the air, so that the evening was bleak and gloomy as in wiime. There were no stars in the sky, and a light, icy drizzle had set in. The lamps in the houses made mournful, wavering flickers when watched from the street. A wind had e up, not from the s side of the town but from the cold black pinewoods to the north.

The clocks iown struck eight. Still nothing had happehe bleak night, after the gruesome talk of the d……(内容加载失败!)




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