正文 The Ballad of the Sad Café-1

THE TOWN itself is dreary; not much is there except the ill, the two-room houses where the workers live, a few peach trees, a church with two colored windows, and a miserable main street only a hundred yards long. On Saturdays the tenants from the near-by farms e in for a day of talk and trade. Otherwise the town is lonesome, sad, and like a place that is far off aranged from all other places in the world. The rain stop is Society City, and the Greyhound and White Bus Lines use the Forks Falls Road which is three miles away. The winters here are short and raw, the summers white with glare and fiery hot.

If you walk along the main street on an August afternoon there is nothing whatsoever to do. The largest building, in the very ter of the town, is boarded up pletely and leans so far to the right that it seems bound to collapse at any mihe house is very old. There is about it a curious, cracked look that is very puzzling until you suddenly realize that at……(内容加载失败!)




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