正文 15

All in a moment through the gloom were seen

Ten thousand Banners rise into the Air [ 545 ]

With Orient Colours waving: with them rose

A Forest huge of Spears: and thronging Helms

Appeard, and serried shields in thick array

Of depth immeasurable: Anon they move

In perfect Phalanx to the Dorian mood [ 550 ]

Of Flutes and soft Recorders; such as raisd

To hight of emper Heros old

Arming to Battel, and in stead e

Deliberate valour breathd, firm and unmovd

With dread of death to flight or foul retreat, [ 555 ]

Nor wanting power to mitigate and swage

With solemn touches, troubld thoughts, and chase

Anguish and doubt and fear and sorroain

From mortal or immortal minds. Thus they

Breathing united force with fixed thought [ 560 ]

Movd on in sileo soft Pipes that charmd

Thir painful steps ore the burnt soyle; and now

Advan view, they stand, a horrid Front

Of dreadful length and dazling Arms, in guise

Of Warriers old with orderd Spear and Shield, [ 565 ]

Awaiting w……(内容加载失败!)




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