Widowed, abandoned and aggrieved, my beloved Shekure fled with featherlike steps, and I stood as if stunned iillness of the house of the Hanged Jew, amid the aroma of almonds and dreams of marriage she’d left in her wake. I was bewildered, but my mind was ing so fast it almost hurt. Without even a ce to grieve properly over my Enishte’s death, I swiftly returned home. On the one hand, a worm of doubt was gnawing at me: Was Shekure using me as a pawn in a grand scheme, was she duping me? Oher hand, fantasies of a blissful marriage stubbornly played before my eyes.

After making versation with my landlady who interrogated me at the front door as to where I’d gone and whence I was ing at this m hour, I went to my room and removed the twenty-two Veian gold pieces from the lining of the sash I’d hidden in my mattress, plag them in my money purse with trembling fingers. When I returo the street, I knew immediately I’d see Shekure’s dark, teary, troubled ……(内容加载失败!)




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