正文 Appendix


I started to write short pieces when I was living in a room too small to write a novel in. So the size of my room modified what I did i and it was the same with the pieces themselves. The limited trajectory of the short narrative trates its meaning. Sign and sense fuse to aent impossible to achieve among the multiplying ambiguities of aended narrative. I found that, though the play of surfaever ceased to fasate me, I was not so much expl them as making abstras from them, I was writing, therefore, tales.

Though it took me a long time to realise why I liked them, Id always been fond of Poe, and Hoffman -- Gothic tales, cruel tales, tales of woales of terror, fabulous narratives that deal directly with the imagery of the unscious -- mirrors; the externalised self; forsaken castles; haunted forests; forbidden sexual objects. Formally the tale differs from the short story in that it makes few prete the imitation of life. The tale does……(内容加载失败!)




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The Quilt Maker-2目录+书签First Publications