正文 EARLY WORK-The Man Who Loved a Double Bass

The Man Who Loved a Double Bass

All artists, they say, are a little mad. This madness is, to a certaient, a self-created myth desigo keep the generality away from the phenomenally close-knit creative unity. Yet, in the world of the artists, the sciously etric are always respectful and admiring of those who have the ce to be genuinely a little mad.

That was how Johnny Jameson, the bass player, came to be treated -- with resped admiration; for there could be no doubt that Jameson was as mad as a hatter.

And the musis looked after him. He was never without work, or a bed, or a packet of cigarettes, or a beer if he wanted ohere was always someoaking care of the things he could never get around to doing himself. It must also be admitted that he was a very fine bass player.

In this, in fact, lay the seed of his trouble. For his bass, his great, gleaming, voluptuous bass, was mother, father, wife, child and mistress to him and he loved it with a deep and stead……(内容加载失败!)




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