正文 17

She spake, and at her words the hellish Pest [ 735 ]

Forbore, theo her Sataurnd:

Se thy outcry, and thy words se

Thou interposest, that my sudden hand

Prevented spares to tell thee yet by deeds

What it intends; till first I know of thee, [ 740 ]

What thing thou art, thus double-formd, and why

In this infernal Vaile first met thou callst

Me Father, and that Fantasm callst my Son?

I know thee not, nor ever saw till now

Sight more detestable then him and thee. [ 745 ]

T whom thus the Portress of Hell Gate replyd;

Hast thou fot me then, and do I seem

Now in thine eye so foul, once deemd so fair

In Heavn, when at th Assembly, and in sight

Of all the Seraphim with thee bind [ 750 ]

In bold spiracy against Heavns King,

All on a sudden miserable pain

Surprisd thee, dim thine eyes, and dizzie swumm

In darkness, while thy head flames thid fast

Threw forth, till on the left side opning wide, [ 755 ]

Likest to thee in shape and tnance bright,

Then shining Heavnly f……(内容加载失败!)




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