正文 16

Satan was now at hand, and from his seat

The Monster moving onward came as fast [ 675 ]

With horrid strides, Hell trembled as he strode.

Th undaunted Fiend what this might be admird,

Admird, not feard; God and his Son except,

Created thing naught valud he nor shund

And with disdainful look thus first began. [ 680 ]

Whend what art thou, execrable shape,

That darst, though grim and terrible, advance

Thy miscreated Front athwart my way

To yates? through them I mean to pass,

That be assured, without leave askt of thee: [ 685 ]

Retire, or taste thy folly, and learn by proof,

Hell-born, not to tend with Spirits of Heavn.

To whom the Goblin full of wrauth replyd,

Art thou that Traitel, art thou hee,

Who first broke pea Heavn and Faith, till then [ 690 ]

Unbrokn, and in proud rebellious Arms

Drew after him the third part of Heavns Sons

jurd against the highest, for which both Thou

And they outcast from God, are here nd

To waste Eternal dayes in ain? [ 695 ]





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