正文 7

As he our darkness, ot we his Light

Imitate when we please? This Desart soile [ 270 ]

Wants not her hidden lustre, Gemms and Gold;

Nor want we skill or Art, from wheo raise

Magnifice; and what Heavn shew more?

Our torments also may ih of time

Bee our Elements, these pierg Fires [ 275 ]

As soft as now severe, our temper gd

Into their temper; which must needs remove

The sensible of pain. All things invite

To peaceful sels, and the settld State

Of order, how in safety best we may [ 280 ]

pose our present evils, with regard

Of what we are and were, dismissing quite

All thoughts of warr: ye have what I advise.

He scarce had finisht, when such murmur filld

Th Assembly, as when hollow Rocks retain [ 285 ]

The sound of blustring winds, which all night long

Had rousd the Sea, now with hoarse ce lull

Sea-faring mecht, whose Bark by ce

Or Pinnachors in a craggy Bay

After the Tempest: Such applause was heard [ 290 ]

As Mammon ended, and his Sentence pleasd,





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