正文 Wolf-Alice-2

Her first blood bewildered her. She did not know what it meant and the first stirrings of surmise that ever she felt were directed towards its possible cause. The moon had been shining into the kit when she woke to feel the trickle betweehighs and it seemed to her that a wolf who, perhaps, was fond of her, as wolves were, and who lived, perhaps, in the moon? must have nibbled her t while she was sleeping, had subjected her to a series of affeate nips too geo wake her yet sharp enough to break the skin. The shape of this theory was blurred yet, out of it, there took root a kind of wild reasoning, as it might have from a seed dropped in her brain off the foot of a flying bird.

The flow tinued for a few days, which seemed to her an eime. She had, as yet, no direotion of past, or of future, or of duration, only of a dimensionless, immediate moment. At night, she prowled the empty house looking fs to sop the blood up; she had learned a little elementary hygi……(内容加载失败!)




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