正文 Puss-in-Boots-2

And now the lady lowers her eyes to him and smiles, as once she smiled at me.

Then, bang! a stern hand pulls the shutters to. And it was as if all the violets in all the baskets of all the flower-sellers drooped and faded at once; and spring stopped dead in its tracks and might, this time, not e at all; and the bustle and the business of the square, that had so magically quieted for his song, now rose up again with the harsh clamour of the loss of love.

Arudge drearily off to dirty sheets and a mean supper of bread and cheese, all I steal him, but at least the poor soul mas a hearty appetite now she knows hes in the world and not the ugliest of mortals; for the first time sihat fateful m, sleeps sound. But sleep es hard to Puss tonight. He takes a midnight stroll across the square, soon fortably discusses a choice morsel of salt cod his tabby friend found among the ashes on the hearth before our verse turns to other matters.

"Rats!" she says. "And take……(内容加载失败!)




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