正文 The Courtship of Mr Lyon-1

Outside her kit window, the hedgerow glistened as if the snow possessed a light of its own; when the sky darkeowards evening, ahly, reflected pallor remained behind upon the winters landscape, while still the soft flakes floated down. This lovely girl, whose skin possesses that same, inner light so you would have thought she, too, was made all of snow, pauses in her chores in the mean kit to look out at the try road. Nothing has passed that way all day; the road is white and unmarked as a spilled bolt of bridal satin.

Father said he would be home before nightfall.

The snht down all the telephone wires; he couldnt have called, even with the best of news.

The roads are bad. I hope hell be safe.

But the old car stuck fast in a rut, wouldnt budge an inch; the engine whirred, coughed and died and he was far from home. Ruined, ohen ruined again, as he had learnt from his lawyers that very m; at the clusion of the lengthy, slow attempt to restore his fortunes,……(内容加载失败!)




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