正文 17

But e, for thou, be sure, shalt give at

To him who sent us, whose charge is to keep

This plaviolable, and these from harm.

So spake the Cherube, and his grave rebuke

Severe in youthful beautie, added grace [ 845 ]

Invincible: abasht the Devil stood,

A how awful goodness is, and saw

Vertue in her shape how lovly, saind

His loss; but chiefly to find here observd

His lustre visibly impaird; yet seemd [ 850 ]

Undaunted. If I must tend, said he,

Best with the best, the Sender not the sent,

Or all at once; mlorie will be wonn,

Or less be lost. Thy fear, said Zephon bold,

Will save us trial what the least doe [ 855 ]

Single against thee wicked, and thence weak.

The Fiend replid not, overe with rage;

But like a proud Steed reind, went hautie on,

Chaumping his iron curb: to strive or flie

He held it vain; awe from above had quelld [ 860 ]

His heart, not else dismaid. Now drew they nigh

The western Point, where those half-rounding guards

Just met, and closing st……(内容加载失败!)




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