正文 16

This Eevning from the Suns dee arrivd

Who tells of som infernal Spirit seen

Hitherward bent (who could have thought?) escapd

The barrs of Hell, on errand bad no doubt: [ 795 ]

Such where ye find, seise fast, and hither bring.

So saying, on he led his radiant Files,

Dazling the Moon; these to the Bower direct

In search of whom they sought: him there they found

Squat like a Toad, close at the eare of Eve; [ 800 ]

Assaying by his Devilish art to reach

The ans of her Fancie, and with them fe

Illusions as he list, Phantasms and Dreams,

Or if, inspiring venom, he might taint

Th animal spirits that from pure blood arise [ 805 ]

Like gentle breaths from Rivers pure, thence raise

At least distemperd, distehoughts,

Vaine hopes, vaine aimes, inordinate desires

Blown up with high ceits ingendring pride.

Him thus i Ithuriel with his Spear [ 810 ]

Touchd lightly; for no falshood endure

Touch of Celestial temper, but returns

Of force to its own likeness: up he starts……(内容加载失败!)




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