正文 2

O had his powerful Destiny ordaind

Me some inferiel, I had stood

Then happie; no unbounded hope had raisd [ 60 ]

Ambitio why not? som other Power

As great might have aspird, ahough mean

Drawn to his part; but other Powers as great

Fell not, but stand unshakn, from within

Or from without, to all temptations armd. [ 65 ]

Hadst thou the same free Will and Power to stand?

Thou hadst: whom hast thou then or what to accuse,

But Heavns free Love dealt equally to all?

Be then his Love accurst, since love or hate,

To me alike, it deals eternal woe. [ 70 ]

Nay cursd be thou; since against his thy will

Chose freely what it now so justly rues.

Me miserable! which way shall I flie

Infinite wrauth, and infinite despaire?

Which way I flie is Hell; my self am Hell; [ 75 ]

And in the lowest deep a lower deep

Still threatning to devour me opens wide,

To which the Hell I suffer seems a Heavn.

O then at last relent: is there no place

Left for Repentanone for Pardo? [ 80 ]





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