正文 The Ghost Ships


Therefore that whosoever shall be found any such day as Christmas or the like, either by forebearing of labor, feasting, or any other on any such at aforesaid, every person so offending shall pay for every offense five shillings as a fio the ty.

Statute enacted by the General Court of

Massachusetts, May 1659, repealed 1681

Twas the night before Christmas. Silent night, holy night. The snow lay deep and crisp and evec. etc. etc.; let these familiar words jure up the traditional anticipatory magic of Christmas Eve, and then -- fet it.

Fet it. Even if the white moon above Boston Bay ehat all is calm, all is bright, there will be no Christmas as su the village on the shore that now lies locked in a precarious winter dream.

(Dream, that unsorable state. They would forbid it if they could.)

At that time, for we are talking about a long time ago, about three and a quarter hundred years ago, the newers had no more than scribbled their signatu……(内容加载失败!)




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