正文 Gun for the Devil-1

A hot, dusty, flyblown Mexi border town -- a town without hope, without grace, the end of the road for all those whove the misfortuo find themselves washing up here. The time is about the turn of the tury, long after the heroic period of the West is past; and there was never anything heroic about these border raiders, this poverty-stri half-life they lead. The Mendozas, a barbarous hierarchy of bandits, ruown, its corrupt sheriff, its bank, the telegraph -- everything. Even the priest is an appoi of theirs.

The oablishment iown with a superficial veneer of elegance is the bar-cum-whorehouse. This is presided over by a curious, apparently ill-matched couple -- an ageing, drunken, ptive European aristocrat and his mistress, the madame, who keeps him. Shes called Roxana, a straightforward, ageing, rather raddled, unimaginative, affeate woman.

She is the sister of Maria Mendoza, the bandits wife -- thats how she obtaihe brothel cession. Roxana and her man, ……(内容加载失败!)




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