正文 John Fords Tis Pity Shes a Whore-2

And, perhaps, had it been possible, she would have learo love the Ministers gentle son before she married him, but, not only was it impossible, she also carried withihe child that meant she must be married quickly.


Harmonium. Father and Johnny by the altar.

Johnny white, strained; father stoical.

Ministers wife thin-lipped, furious.

Ministers son and Annie-Belle, in simple white cotton wedding-dress, join hands.

MINISTER: Do you take this woman. . .

(Close up) Ministers sons hand slipping wedding ring on to Annie-Belles finger.


Fiddle and banjo old-time music.

Vigorous square dance going on; bride and groom lead.

Father at table, glass in hand.

Johnny, beside him, reag for bottle.

Bride and groom e together at end of dance; groom kisses brides cheek. She laughs.

(Close up) Annie-Belle looking shyly up at the Ministers son.

The dance parts them again; as Annie-Belle is handed down the row of men, she staggers a……(内容加载失败!)




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