正文 18

ument blasphemous, false and proud!

Words whio eare ever to hear in Heavn [ 810 ]

Expected, least of all from thee, ingrate

In place thy self so high above thy Peeres.

st thou with impious obloquie ne

The just Decree of God, pronound sworn,

That to his only Son by right endud [ 815 ]

With Regal Scepter, every Soule in Heavn

Shall bend the knee, and in that honour due

fess him rightful King? unjust thou saist

Flatly unjust, to bih Laws the free,

And equal over equals to let Reigne, [ 820 ]

One over all with unsucceeded power.

Shalt thou give Law to God, shalt thou dispute

With him the points of libertie, who made

Thee what thou art, and formd the Powrs of Heavn

Such as he pleasd, and circumscribd thir being? [ 825 ]

Yet by experieaught we know how good,

And of ood, and of nitie

How provident he is, how farr from thought

To make us less, bent rather to exalt

Our happie state under one Head more neer [ 830 ]

United. But to grant it thee unjust,

That equal ……(内容加载失败!)




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