正文 14

So spake th Omnipotent, and with his words

All seemd well pleasd, all seemd, but were not all.

That day, as other solemn dayes, they spent

In song and dance about the sacred Hill,

Mystical dance, which yoarrie Spheare [ 620 ]

Of Plas and of fixt in all her Wheeles

Resembles , mazes intricate,

Etritervolvd, yet regular

Then most, when most irregular they seem,

And in thir motions harmonie Divine [ 625 ]

So smooths her charming tohat Gods own ear

Listens delighted. Eevning noroachd

(For wee have also our Eevning and our Morn,

Wee ours for ge delectable, not need)

Forthwith from dao sweet repast they turn [ 630 ]

Desirous, all in Circles as they stood,

Tables are set, and on a sudden pild

With Angels Food, and rubied ar flows

In Pearl, in Diamond, and massie Gold,

Fruit of delicious Vihe growth of Heavn. [ 635 ]

On flours reposd, and with fresh flourets d,

They eate, they drink, and in unio

Quaff immortalitie and joy, secure

Of surfet where full measure on……(内容加载失败!)




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