正文 9

Whom thus the Angelic Vertue answerd milde.

Adam, I therefore came, nor art thou such

Created, or such place hast here to dwell,

As may not oft ihough Spirits of Heavn

To visit thee; lead on thehy Bowre [ 375 ]

Oreshades; for these mid-hours, till Eevning rise

I have at will. So to the Silvan Lodge

They came, that like Pomonas Arbour smild

With flourets deckt and fragrant smells; but Eve

U, save with her self more lovely fair [ 380 ]

Then Wood-Nymph, or the fairest Goddess feignd

Of three that in Mount Ida rove,

Stood to eain her guest from Heavn; no vaile

Shee needed, Vertue-proof, no thought infirme

Alterd her cheek. On whom the Angel Haile [ 385 ]

Bestowd, the holy salutation usd

Long after to blest Marie, sed Eve.

Haile Mother of Mankind, whose fruitful Womb

Shall fill the World more numerous with thy Sons

Then with these various fruits the Trees of God [ 390 ]

Have heapd this Table. Raisd of grassie terf

Thir Table was, and mossie seats had round,





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