正文 Chapter VI.

The Cowardly Lion

ALL THIS TIME DOROTHY and her panions had been walking through the thick woods. The road was still paved with yellow brick, but these were much covered by dried branches and dead leaves from the trees, and the walking was not at all good.

There were few birds in this part of the forest, for birds love the open try where there is plenty of sunshine. But now and then there came a deep growl from some wild animal hidden among the trees. These sounds made the little girls heart beat fast, for she did not know what made them; but Toto knew, and he walked close to Dorothys side, and did not even bark iurn.

"How long will it be," the child asked of the Tin Woodman, "before we are out of the forest?”

"I ot tell," was the answer, "for I have never been to the Emerald City. But my father went there once, when I was a boy, and he said it was a long jourhrough a dangerous try, although o the city where Oz dwells the try is beautiful. But I am n……(内容加载失败!)




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