正文 11

Whereto with look posd Satan replid.

Not ued that, which thht [ 470 ]

Believst so main to our success, I bring;

Which of us who beholds the bright surface

Of this Ethereous mould whereoand,

This ti of spacious Heavn, adornd

With Plant, Fruit, Flour Ambrosial, Gemms & Gold, [ 475 ]

Whose Eye so superficially surveyes

These things, as not to mind from whehey grow

Deep under ground, materials dark and crude,

Of spiritous and fierie spume, till toucht

With Heavns ray, and temperd they shoot forth [ 480 ]

So beauteous, opning to the ambient light.

These in thir dark Nativitie the Deep

Shall yield us pregnant with infernal flame,

Whito hallow Engins long and round

Thick-rammd, at th other bore with touch of fire [ 485 ]

Dilated and infuriate shall send forth

From far with thundring noise among our foes

Such implements of mischief as shall dash

To pieces, and orewhelm whatever stands

Adverse, that they shall fear we have disarmd [ 490 ]

The Thunderer of his only dreaded bolt……(内容加载失败!)




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