正文 10

O now in darid, now known in Armes

Not to be overpowerd, panions deare,

Found worthy not of Libertie alone, [ 420 ]

Too meaense, but what we more affect,

Honour, Dominion, Glorie, and renowne,

Who have sustaind one day in doubtful fight

(And if one day, why ernal dayes?)

What Heavens Lord had powerfullest to send [ 425 ]

Against us from about his Throne, and judgd

Suffit to subdue us to his will,

But proves not so: then fallible, it seems,

Of future we may deem him, though till now

Omnist thought. True is, less firmly armd, [ 430 ]

Some disadvantage we endurd and paine,

Till now not known, but known as soon nd,

Sinow we find this our Empyreal form

Incapable of mortal injurie

Imperishable, and though piercd with wound, [ 435 ]

Soon closing, and by native vigour heald.

Of evil then so small as easie think

The remedie; perhaps more valid Armes,

ons more violent, whe we meet,

May serve to better us, and worse our foes, [ 440 ]

Or equal what between us made ……(内容加载失败!)




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