正文 9

For strength from Truth divided and from Just,

Illaudable, naught merits but dispraise

And ignominie, yet to glorie aspires

Vain glorious, and through infamie seeks fame:

Therfore Eternal silence be thir doome. [ 385 ]

And now thir Mightiest quelld, the battel swervd,

With many an inrode gord; deformed rout

Enterd, and foul disorder; all the ground

With shiverd armour strown, and on a heap

Chariot and Charioter lay overturnd [ 390 ]

And fierie foaming Steeds; what stood, recoyld

Orewearied, through the faint Satanic Host

Defensive scarse, or with pale fear surprisd,

Then first with fear surprisd and sense of paine

Fled ignominious, to such evil brought [ 395 ]

By sin of disobedieill that hour

Not liable to fear or flight or paine.

Far otherwise th inviolable Saints

In Cubic Phalanx firm advaire,

Invulnerable, impenitrably armd: [ 400 ]

Such high advahir innoce

Gave them above thir foes, not to have sinnd,

Not to have disobeid; in fight they stood





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