正文 Chapter 8

Ignorance of Life is Death

4 November 1969 pm in Bhulabhai Auditorium, Bombay, India

Ma even know what life is.

And if we t know what life is, then there is no possibility of our knowih either.

As long as life itself remains unfamiliar, as long as it remains an enigma, there is no way one be familiar with death, no way one ever know what death is.

The truth is, death seems to occur because we have no idea of what life is.

For those who know life, death is an impossible word.

It is something which has never occurred, never occurs, ever occur.

There are certain words which are absolutely false; they tain not even an iota of truth.

The word death is one of them.

It is a totally false word.

like death occurs anywhere.

But we see people dying every day.

Every day, death seems to be happening all around us.

Every village has a cremation ground.

And if we uand rightly, we will e to realize that wherever we may be standing on the earth, the dead bodies of tle……(内容加载失败!)




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