正文 15

her her out-side formd so fair, nht

In procreation on to all kindes

(Though higher of the genial Bed by far,

And with mysterious reverence I deem)

So much delights me as those graceful acts, [ 600 ]

Those thousand decies that daily flow

From all her words and aixt with Love

And sweet pliance, which declare unfeignd

Union of Mind, or in us both one Soule;

Harmoo behold in wedded pair [ 605 ]

Mrateful then harmonious sound to the eare.

Yet these subjeot; I to thee disclose

What inward thence I feel, not therefore foild,

Who meet with various objects, from the sense

Variously representing; yet still free [ 610 ]

Approve the best, and follow what I approve.

To Love thou blamst me not, for love thou saist

Leads up to Heavn, is both the way and guide;

Bear with me then, if lawful what I ask;

Love not the heavnly Spirits, and how thir Love [ 615 ]

Express they, by looks onely, or do they mix

Irradiance, virtual or immediate touch?

To whom the Angel with a smil……(内容加载失败!)




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