正文 11

Thus farr to try thee, Adam, I leasd,

And fihee knowing not of Beasts alone,

Which thou hast rightly namd, but of thy self,

Expressihe spirit within thee free, [ 440 ]

My Image, not imparted to the Brute,

Whose fellowship therefore u for thee

Good reason was thou freely shouldst dislike,

And be so miill; I, ere thou spakst,

K not good for Man to be alone, [ 445 ]

And no supanie as then thou sawst

Intehee, for trial onely brought,

To see how thou couldst judge of fit a:

What I bring shall please thee, be assurd,

Thy likeness, thy fit help, thy other self, [ 450 ]

Thy wish, exactly to thy hearts desire.

Hee ended, or I heard no more, for now

My earthly by his Heavnly overpowerd,

Which it had long stood under, streind to the highth

In that celestial Colloquie sublime, [ 455 ]

As with an object that excels the sense,

Dazld and spent, sunk down, and sought repair

Of sleep, whistantly fell on me, calld

By Nature as in aide, and ine eyes.

Mine eyes he closd, ……(内容加载失败!)




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